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Dek Unu

Dek Unu Trilogy (1)

The Books

Dek Unu 1In the Mainland – a sovereign society formed in Africa following a near world-annihilation event – religion, faith and nationalism have been outlawed, deemed responsible for humanity’s self-destruction.

Mankind was declared inferior, easily brainwashed and susceptible to believing superstitions. An artificial intelligence was put in charge of all internal affairs and residents were forbidden to use any technology that their ancestors relied on.

When an archeological expedition is sent to an isolated dig site to document the ancient world, Muracius Goodmond, Head of the Department for the Study of History Verification, uncovers a thirteen-hundred-year-old diary. He is amazed and horrified to learn that its contents contradict common scientific knowledge.

This is the story of eleven children whose lives are about to change and of the scholars who try to protect them.

Are humans capable of relinquishing power for the sake of a better world, even if it means giving up part of their humanity?

This is the first book of Gor De Meel’s Dek Unu trilogy.

Ashen Stake 1 (1)

Four years have passed.
The Mainland is in a state of unrest, as the underground is no longer just a rumor. The Holders of Responsibility tighten the Instructions of Stupid John, doing their utmost to hold on to their power.
Muracius Goodmond and the other Tidhar Group scholars carefully follow the eleven youngsters, trying in vain to keep them safe.
As each of the eleven struggle with their own challenges, they all wonder: Is a deadly clash between them now inevitable?
This is the second book of Gor De Meel’s Dek Unu trilogy.


Watching Eyes Book

Following the dramatic announcement of the Holders of Responsibility, the youngsters are fleeing for their lives, scattered in all corners of the Mainland.

Scholar Muracius Goodmond and his friends feel completely helpless, clinging to the last remnants of hope that they can still rescue anyone.

Sigmund Torricelli continues his quest up north, determined to unravel the truth about the ancient diary’s secrets.

It seems as if Stupid John is reaching out from the past, casting his shadow over the present and future of the world.

Can the world survive what’s to come?

This is the final book of Gor De Meel’s Dek Unu trilogy.


Dek Unu 1In the Mainland – a sovereign society formed in Africa following a near world-annihilation event – religion, faith and nationalism have been outlawed, deemed responsible for humanity’s self-destruction.

Mankind was declared inferior, easily brainwashed and susceptible to believing superstitions. An artificial intelligence was put in charge of all internal affairs and residents were forbidden to use any technology that their ancestors relied on.

When an archeological expedition is sent to an isolated dig site to document the ancient world, Muracius Goodmond, Head of the Department for the Study of History Verification, uncovers a thirteen-hundred-year-old diary. He is amazed and horrified to learn that its contents contradict common scientific knowledge.

This is the story of eleven children whose lives are about to change and of the scholars who try to protect them.

Are humans capable of relinquishing power for the sake of a better world, even if it means giving up part of their humanity?

This is the first book of Gor De Meel’s Dek Unu trilogy.

Ashen Stake 1 (1)


Four years have passed.
The Mainland is in a state of unrest, as the underground is no longer just a rumor. The Holders of Responsibility tighten the Instructions of Stupid John, doing their utmost to hold on to their power.
Muracius Goodmond and the other Tidhar Group scholars carefully follow the eleven youngsters, trying in vain to keep them safe.
As each of the eleven struggle with their own challenges, they all wonder: Is a deadly clash between them now inevitable?
This is the second book of Gor De Meel’s Dek Unu trilogy.



Watching Eyes Book

Following the dramatic announcement of the Holders of Responsibility, the youngsters are fleeing for their lives, scattered in all corners of the Mainland.

Scholar Muracius Goodmond and his friends feel completely helpless, clinging to the last remnants of hope that they can still rescue anyone.

Sigmund Torricelli continues his quest up north, determined to unravel the truth about the ancient diary’s secrets.

It seems as if Stupid John is reaching out from the past, casting his shadow over the present and future of the world.

Can the world survive what’s to come?

This is the final book of Gor De Meel’s Dek Unu trilogy.


The Mainland

ללא שם (500 × 281 פיקסל)

The Eleven



Casium Hawking

born 9.11.3226 (780 of the Pure Reckoning)

Eliotta Leakey

born 10.2.3226 (780 of the Pure Reckoning)

Patrika Gillani

born 2.9.3229 (783 of the Pure Reckoning)

Goldorina Chenowitz

born 1.2.3227 (781 of the Pure Reckoning)

Tiador Shiguyama

born 6.16.3225 (779 of the Pure Reckoning)

Riley Edison

born 2.13.3227 (781 of the Pure Reckoning)

Mikail Volta

born 8.25.3225 (779 of the Pure Reckoning)

Yohara Aristotle

born 12.31.3228 (782 of the Pure Reckoning)

Brattis Rutherford

born 6.6.3226 (780 of the Pure Reckoning)

Goldon Avogadro

born 3.1.3229 (783 of the Pure Reckoning)

What Readers Say About Dek Unu


About The Author

Gor De Meel

Gor De Meel probably wrote the Dek Unu trilogy.

He is one of these, for sure:

  • a 53 years young Canadian, who lives with his lovely wife, their three sons and two dogs in their home in Huntsville, Ontario. He likes to play Bridge with his dentist, and once broke a leg while shaving
  • the cooperation of two female authors from Lybia who prefer to stay anonymous, for obvious reasons
  • a pseudonym of some unimportant dude
  • the son of the notorious Marla and Jacobbee De Meel, who spent over 35 years in prison for their heinous crimes

Gor De Meel is a 46 years old author who likes chocolate very much, even though it’s not really good for him, as his doctors and wife often mention.

Buy Books on amazon

Another Tomorrow (Book 1)

Ashen Stake (Book 2)

Watching Eyes (Book 3)

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